Monday, April 24, 2006

the way we were

there's a lot of gd memories of the past that recently came to my mind.
about the times of how i would call u, affectionately,
and u would always respond to my cries.
about the times of how i would utter some random comment
"i want to kick ur dog"
and u would always laugh and think i'm funny.

there's a lot of gd memories of the past that recently came to my mind.
about the times of how i would call yoo in the middle of the night
"hey, are yoo free to talk?"
and you would be washing yoor contact lenses
"eh, i call you back later."
and how i would fall asleep by the time yoo call me back.

there's a lot of gd memories of the past that recently came to my mind.
about the times of how i would go to you with my troubles
"please give me some advice"
and you would always say "pray dear, pray"
about the times of how i would share my joys with you
"i feel so blessed!" or "GOD has been gd!"
and you would reply, "amen!'

i thk i've grown.
grown to be less dependent,
grown stronger, yet weaker in a way.
grown to be more quiet yet still noisy
grown to be like turtles who swallow their tears yet, flood my little diaries whenever i start pouring my thoughts into it (according to joyluckclub)
grown eversince you 'left', left.

i miss u
i miss yoo
i miss you

other than this, i've got nothing else to say.



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