Friday, August 24, 2007


so here's the schedule for my promos:

24th sept:
-GP 0815-1145
-Econs 1300-1600

25th sept:
-Chem 0815-1115

28th sept:
-Math 0815-1115

1st Oct:
-Bio 0815-1015

2nd Oct:

please keep me in prayer =) thanks so much.
oh well, another week has gone by and yes, it's pretty late now. i just completed my EOM.
on a side note, i guess this week has just been a very encouraging week? not that i didnt have my downs this week but yes, managed to read a blog or two and i feel blessed by them? it's seeing how people stand firm in their faith despite whatever they're going through that makes me want to be strong too.

well, think i have been trying to sort out my thoughts again and again and again, to only find that i still cry, tear still get frustrated and stressed out... yes, but after yesterday, i told myself, no more of those. to thk i felt a little ashamed on wed because of a little incident. yes, perhaps it was a blessing in disguise because if it didnt happened, it wouldn't have softened someone's heart and i'm glad it did, because i can feel that it is causing a change in someone. otherwise, i felt like i needed to ust let everything out yet after the whole hoo-ha, i felt bad about being so huliqunao... or just emotionally weak la. oh yes, it's really the promos that's getting into everyone, making everyone stressed. 32 more days.

yes, no more breaking down after wed. because you know i feel really blessed by the people around. my family, choir friends.. everyone's just been so understanding and supportive, and encouraging. i thank god for friends who could spare the time to sit and pray with me, to listen to my cries, to comfort me..i thank god for teachers who were genuinely concerned and cared. i thank god for people who would choose not to pamper me but urge me to stand up when i fall, to share with me her personal struggles and how god has been faithful, to assure me that i was fine, to counsel me the whole car ride, to advise me on the next step, to keep me in prayer, to promise to monitor me...she believes god is working something in me, teaching me smth during this period..i thk so too..

and yes, i prayed that at this point, i really don't know what to do, and i can't do it by myself and i'm not going to do it by my own strength or try to go my own way. i heard a podcast just now abt faith in god and how we always try to tell god what to do and what we want, not letting him mould us or guide us. yes, in a way, i have been that way.. and so, no more.. at this point,i really can't do anything already. all i know is that i just have to try my best and trust god. no doubting anymore. i shall not fear, cause victory is near. and i have victory because i have jesus.

i'm going to be patient and see god's miracle unfold in my life. and i'm certain that it will. god is really good. the moment i read my emails, the daily devotion read "do not be anxious abt anyth. but with prayer and petition presents your requests to god, and the peace that transcends all understanding shall guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus." amen to that.

and yes, although i still find it hard to experience joy in school,joy meaning being CONTENTED at where i am, knowing that god has placed me there for a purpose, i am going to throw away my entire mindset abt hating school. i am going to start loving school, start loving the people around me including those who pretend they care. yes, i got to be brave and courageous, cause the lord is behind me in this battle.

other than that, i've got 2 hrs to catch some slp before i wake for school tmr. it's friday. yay!



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