Sunday, September 16, 2007

down to a single digit

many people think it's dumb to do countdowns to major events such as examinations for instance, but i think it's good because at least it gives you a sense of expectation or anticipation.

but then again, on the flip side, too much anticipation or expectation isn't that good either.

anyway, it's down to a single digit. yup, EIGHT's the magic number.

well, this week has been almost the same as every other week. things in school have probably come to a standstill or rather routine. and tutorials have been rather light in a sense because we're going through revision and not learning anything new.

but i do need to make more use of my breaks in between instead of hanging around, binching on food in the canteen or just watch people play cards. how lame is that.ya, i have been eating more in sch in between breaks..

but yes, i love to watch. watch people, observe things around.. think of random things..

but yes,i need to study or find some secluded place in sch to just mug instead of wasting time away. but i really really find that i can't study in sch for nuts. i think i need to sit in a empty white room to study. or maybe a vacuum space. then i wont have anything around to look at or be distracted by things around me.

econs tuition just now made my brain all gooey.
but yes, GOD has been good. and i am really glad to see him work in the lives of the people around. it's just amazing to share people's joy or know that they have been hungering more for HIS word. keeping them in prayer.
yes, GOD is good despite the fact that i will only be able to attend church from 8.30-9.30 for the next 2 weeks.. cant even go mum's church now since chem tuition can't be postponed or rescheduled. =( but in all things god works for the good of those who love him.

random: haha, on a more "bimbotic" note, i've got 6 different coloured hairbands now. how cool is that? 6 different colours to match what i wear in future. and the cooler fact is that my mum actually bought them because it was so cheap.. and.. apparently because she saw that i broke my previous orange one. HA. okay, yay! i've got 6 now..

i think recently, or maybe this week, i've been thinking a lot about the promises GOD gave, inheritance that he promised us in heaven. probably caused i've been reading ephesians this week.

eph 1:13-14
"13And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,
14who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession—to the praise of his glory."

and yes, i shared this before but i think it still hits me as a very breathtaking fact that i am marked. i always ponder and think to myself sometimes why would god love me? like us humans being so small like ants all scattered around on earth and GOD who is so big..and to think that i have a guarantee.. or an "insurance" of treasures in heaven so much better than silver and gold or anything on earth. and it just brings me back to god's love for man, for me..

and it was around midweek where i started thinking about the jars of clay passage in the bible.

2cor 4:16-18
"16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

i think this verse comforted a lot. because i think every now and then i am very tempted to think of stupid things when i am very stressed or tired of doing things. but see, "though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we're being renewed day by day." praise god for that! and the best part comes where "our MOMENTARY troubles are achieving for us an ETERNAL glory that far OUTWEIGHS them all."

yes, it reminds me of a passage in zechariah.. i thk. of how we're always being tested and in the process we become refined..

oh well, i think i've been very encouraged. and yup, my encouragement to you is that you'll hunger for god's word too =) and i really agree that the bible comes alive when you really read into it. afterall, it's god- breathed, useful as a tool for admonishing and teaching.



At 11:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyhey!! we missed you at sunday school class for so long! hope that you're well with revision, your sunday sch class people are praying for you, so be encouraged!
takecare (:


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